Everything is Fine, Nothing is Ruined
Delivering to you the dulcet sounds of two best friends yakkin' about pop-culture!

In this episode we discuss the finer side of quality, daytime television, Infamous 2 and choices in videogames, and we find out that one the four amongst us may be hiding a dark secret. What fun!

Show notes:

Part 1: Intro

-Rollin' them bones!

-Mike from Operation Repo = Matt from Operation Repo. Whoops.

-Vin Diesel isn't in stuff. Yeah.

Part 2: What'cha doin'? (27:03)

-Gluin' and spruin' in War Machine with Kenny.

-Building feat markers and other craftiness with Tristan.

-Uncanny X-Force and weird love triangles with Andrew.

-Finally watching Legend of Korra with Hassan.

Part 3: Infamous 2 and Videogame Choices. (1:00:11)

-Guess who's a monster!

Direct download: Episode_1_-_Jail_Infamous_2_and__Guess_Whos_a_Monster__.m4a
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:31pm -04